PAttern Learning and Mining Lab


PALM is affiliated with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. It's located at Computer Science Building in Jiulonghu Campus of Southeast University.

"PALM" means "PAttern Learning and Mining". The members in PALM, including full-time teachers, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduates, visiting scholars/students etc, mainly do the research covering data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, pattern recognition and some fundamental, frontier, innovative study in the related fields.


PALM 的含义是“PAttern Learning and Mining”。实验室成员包括专任教师、博士后、研究生、访问学者/学生、进修教师等,主要从事数据挖掘与知识发现、机器学习、模式识别以及相关领域的基础性、前沿性、创新性的研究工作。