Tiankai Hang @ PALM, SEU
- 2020.09 ~ Now
Ph.D, Department of School of Computer Science and Engineering , Southeast University, China
- 2016.09 ~ 2020.06
B.Sc, Department of School of Automation , Southeast University, China
Research Interests
Awards & Honors
Outstanding Graduates of Southeast University, 2020.
Meritorious Winner of Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling, 2019.
1st Prize The Chinese Mathematics Competitions(CMC), 2018.
1st in Annual Advanced Mathematics Competition at Southeast University, 2018.
Merit Student 2017, 2018 (Southeast University)
HELLA Scholarship 2018 (Southeast University Education Fundation, Only 10 undergraduates)
National Scholarship 2017 (China, Top 0.2%
1st Prize Chinese Mathematical Olympiad in Provinces 2015 (Jiangsu Province, top 0.01%
Teaching Assistant
Academic Service
- Email
- Laboratory
439, Building of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University.