English Name @ PALM, SEU


Jiashun Chen
M.Sc. Student
PAttern Learning and Mining(PALM) Lab
School of computer science and engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing

Supervisor: Associate Professor Yu Zhang
Email: zhang_yu@seu.edu.cn



2019.09 ~ Now

M.Sc, Department of School of Computer Science and Engineering , Southeast University, China

2016.09 ~ 2019.06

B.Sc, Department of School of Computer Science and Engineering , Southeast University, China

Research Interests

  • Computer vision;

  • Video classification;

  • Vision Transformer;

  • Image Registration;


  • Jiashun Chen, Donghuan Lu, Yu Zhang, Dong Wei, Munan Ning, Xinyu Shi, Zhe Xu and Yefeng Zheng. Deformer: Towards Displacement Field Learning for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration, MICCAI 2022 (pdf)

  • XinYu Shi, Dong Wei, Yu Zhang, Donghuan Lu, Munan Ning, Jiashun Chen, Kai Ma and Yefeng Zheng. Dense Cross-Query-and-Support Attention Weighted Mask Aggregation for Few-Shot Segmentation, ECCV 2022 (pdf)

  • Yiheng Song, Jiashun Chen, Jinxiang Chen, Weihong Qin, Diyou Liu and Jie Chen. Extraction and reconstruction of a beetle forewing cross-section point set and its curvature characteristics. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 25(1):77–87. (pdf)

Teaching Assistant

  • Introduction to artificial intelligence (For undergraduate students, fall, 2020)

  • Introduction to artificial intelligence (For undergraduate students, fall, 2022)





407, Building of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University.