Action Editor | Frontiers of Computer Science (Higher Education Press; 2019.01-) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Editorial Board |
Science China Information Sciences (Science China Press; 2023.01- , Young AE: 2018.01-2022.12) |
Member |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE; 2021.10- ) |
¡¡ |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM; 2024.08- ) |
¡¡ |
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM; 2017.05- ) |
¡¡ |
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (Science Press / Springer; 2018.01- ) |
¡¡ |
Machine Intelligence Research (Springer, 2021.04- ) |
¡¡ |
Intelligent Data Analysis (IOS Press, 2022.12-) |
¡¡ |
Neural Networks (Elsevier; 2017.01-2022.12) |
¡¡ |
Journal of Software (¡¶Èí¼þѧ±¨¡·ÔðÈαàί; 2019.01- ) |
¡¡ | Journal of Computer Research and Development (¡¶¼ÆËã»úÑо¿Óë·¢Õ¹¡·±àί; 2022.07-2026.06 ) |
¡¡ |
Acta Automatica Sinica (¡¶×Ô¶¯»¯Ñ§±¨¡·±àί; 2015.09- ) |
¡¡ | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Systems (¡¶ÖÇÄÜϵͳѧ±¨¡·±àί; 2019.01- ) |
¡¡ | Journal of Computer Applications (¡¶¼ÆËã»úÓ¦Óá·±àί; 2015.01- ) |
¡¡ | Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) (¡¶¶«ÄÏ´óѧѧ±¨£¨×ÔÈ»¿Æѧ°æ£©¡·±àί; 2024.01- ) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Guest Editor |
Science China Information Sciences special focus on Enabling Techniques and Cutting-Edge Applications of Foundation Models |
¡¡ | Science China Information Sciences special focus on Weakly Supervised Learning |
¡¡ | Journal of Computer Science and Technology special section on Learning and Mining in Dynamic Environments |
¡¡ | Journal of Computer Science and Technology special section on Learning from Small Samples |
¡¡ | Machine Learning Journal special issue on Learning from Multi-Label Data |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Intelligence Science special issue on Data-Oriented Intelligence |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Steering Committee Member | ACML (Asian Conference on Machine Leanring, 2020- ) |
¡¡ | PAKDD (Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2019- ) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
General Co-Chair | ACML'18 (The 10th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2018, Beijing, China) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Program Co-Chair | CCDM'20 (The 8th China Conference on Data Mining, Aug. 2020, Changsha, China) |
¡¡ | MLA'20 (The 18th China Symposium on Machine Learning and Applications, Nov. 2020, Nanjing, China) |
¡¡ | PAKDD'19 (The 23rd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Apr. 2019, Macau, China) |
¡¡ | CCF-ICAI'19 (The 2nd CCF International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 2019, Xuzhou, China) |
¡¡ | MLA'19 (The 17th China Symposium on Machine Learning and Applications, Nov. 2019, Tianjin, China) |
¡¡ | MLA'18 (The 16th China Symposium on Machine Learning and Applications, Nov. 2018, Nanjing, China) |
¡¡ | ACML'17 (The 9th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2017, Seoul, Korea) |
¡¡ |
CCFAI'17 (The 2017 CCF Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 2017, Kunming, China) |
¡¡ |
PRICAI'16 (The 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 2016, Phuket, Thailand) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Workshop Co-Chair |
RobustML¡¯24 (The First International Workshop on Robust Machine Learning in Open Environment, Taipei, China, May 7, in conjunction with PAKDD 2024) |
¡¡ | DFM'19 (The 1st ICDM Workshop on Dynamic Feature Mining, Nov. 2019, Beijing, China, in conjunction with ICDM 2019) |
¡¡ |
MLChina'14 (The ICML 2014 Workshop on Machine Learning in China, Jun. 2014, Beijing, in conjunction with ICML 2014) |
¡¡ |
LAWS'12 (The First International Workshop on Learning with Weak Supervision, Nov. 2012, Singapore, in conjunction with ACML 2012) [Working Notes] |
¡¡ |
MLD'10 (The Second International Workshop on Learning from Multi-Label Data, Jun. 2010, Haifa, Israel, in conjunction with ICML/COLT 2010) [Working Notes] |
¡¡ |
MLD'09 (The First International Workshop on Learning from Multi-Label Data, Sept. 2009, Bled, Slovenia, in conjunction with ECML/PKDD 2009) [Working Notes] |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Proposal Reviewer |
NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) |
¡¡ |
NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Other Co-Chair |
Workshops Co-Chair (IJCAI'21, 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2021, Montreal, Canada) |
¡¡ |
Virtual Conference Co-Chair (KDD'21, 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2021, Singapore) |
¡¡ |
Tutorial Co-Chair (ICDM'20, 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2020, Sorrento, Italy) |
¡¡ |
Workshop Program Co-Chair (AAAI'20, 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2020, New York, USA) |
¡¡ | Workshop Program Co-Chair (AAAI'19, 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 2019, Hawaii, USA) |
¡¡ |
Workshop Co-Chair (CIKM'19, 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 2019, Beijing, China) |
¡¡ | Tutorial Co-Chair (PRICAI'19, 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2019, Cuvu, Fiji) |
¡¡ | Publicity Co-Chair (ICDM'15, 15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2015, Atlantic City, USA) |
¡¡ |
Workshop Co-Chair (ACML'14, 6th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2014, Nha Trang, Vietnam) |
¡¡ |
Student Volunteer Co-Chair (KDD'12, 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Aug. 2012, Beijing, China) |
¡¡ |
Publication Chair (ACML'09, 1st Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2009, Nanjing, China) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Tutorial Speaker |
VALSE'16 (2016 Vision And Learning SEminar, Apr. 2016, Wuhan, China, with Dr. Xinggang Wang) [Slides: Multi-Instance Learning and Its Applications in Computer Vision] |
¡¡ |
ECML PKDD'09 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Sept. 2009, Bled, Slovenia, with Dr. Grigorios Tsoumakas and Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou) [Slides: Learning from Multi-label Data] |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Invited Talks |
IAIC'23 (The International Conference on Intelligence Conference, Nov. 2023, Nanjing, China. Title: "Research on Multi-Dimensional Classification") |
¡¡ | ICVISP'23 (The 7th International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Nov. 2023, Dali, China. Title: "Research on Multi-Dimensional Classification") |
¡¡ | ICCIA'22 (The 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications, Jun. 2022, Nanjing, China. Title: "Research on Partial Label Learning") |
¡¡ | DSDE'22 (The 7th International Conference on Data Storage and Data Engineering, Feb. 2022, Virtual Conference. Title: "Research on Partial Label Learning") |
¡¡ | ICMIP'20 (The 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing, Jan. 2020, Nanjing, China. Title: "Research on Partial Label Learning") |
¡¡ | ICMLC'19 (The 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Feb. 2019, Zhuhai, China. Title: "Research on Partial Label Learning") |
¡¡ | CCML'19 (The 17th China Conference on Machine Learning, Aug. 2019, Guiyang, China. Title: "Research on Partial Label Learning") |
¡¡ | IWPR'18 (2018 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition, May 2018, Jinan, China. Title: "Binary Relevance for Multi-Label Learning") |
¡¡ |
CCML'13 (The 14th China Conference on Machine Learning, Aug. 2013, Kunming, China. Title: "Learning with Weak Supervision") |
¡¡ |
JSAI'11 (The 2011 Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Jiangsu Province, Oct. 2011, Xuzhou, China. Title: "Research on Multi-Label Learning") |
¡¡ |
MLA'10 (The 8th Chinese Workshop on Machine Learning and Applications, Nov. 2010, Nanjing, China. Title: "Learning from Multi-Label Data") |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Senior Area Chair | IJCAI'25 (34th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2025, Montreal, Canada) |
¡¡ | IJCAI'21 (30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2021, Montreal, Canada) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Area Chair | KDD'25 (31st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2025, Toronto, Canada) |
¡¡ | ICML'25 (42nd International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2025, Vancouver, Canada) |
¡¡ | ICLR'25 (13th International Conference on Learning Representations, April 2025, Singapore) |
¡¡ | ECAI'25 (28th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, October 2025, Bologna, Italy) |
¡¡ | ECML-PKDD'25 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, September 2025, Porto, Portugal) |
¡¡ | ICML'24 (41st International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2024, Vienna, Austria) |
¡¡ | ICDM'24 (24th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, December 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE) |
¡¡ | ICLR'24 (12th International Conference on Learning Representations, May 2024, Vienna, Austria) |
¡¡ | KDD'24 (30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2024, Barcelona, Spain) |
¡¡ | ICPR'24 (27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, December 2024, Kolkata, India) |
¡¡ | ECAI'23 (26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, October 2023, Krak¨®w, Poland) |
¡¡ | ECML-PKDD'23 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, September 2023, Torino, Italy) |
¡¡ | UAI'23 (39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, August 2023, Pittsburgh, PA) |
¡¡ | IJCAI-ECAI'22 (31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2022, Vienna, Austria) |
¡¡ | ECML-PKDD'22 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, September 2022, Grenoble, France) |
¡¡ | ICDM'22 (22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, December 2022, Orlando, FL) |
¡¡ | ICPR'22 (26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 2022, Montreal, Canada) |
¡¡ | UAI'22 (38th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, August 2022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) |
¡¡ | ECML-PKDD'21 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, September 2021, Virtual Conference) |
¡¡ | ICDM'21 (21th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2021, Auckland, New Zealand) |
¡¡ | ICBK'21 (12th IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge, December 2021, Auckland, New Zealand) |
¡¡ | AAAI'20 (24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2020, New York, USA) |
¡¡ | ICDM'20 (20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2020, Sorrento, Italy) |
¡¡ | ECAI'20 (24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) |
¡¡ | ECML-PKDD'20 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, September 2020, Ghent, Belgium) |
¡¡ | AAAI'19 (23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 2019, Hawaii, USA) |
¡¡ | ICDM'19 (19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2019, Beijing) |
¡¡ | ECML-PKDD'19 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, September 2019, W¨¹rzburg, Germany) |
¡¡ | IJCAI-ECAI'18 (27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden) |
¡¡ | ICDM'18 (18th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2018, Singapore) |
¡¡ | ICPR'18 (24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 2018, Beijing, China) |
¡¡ | ICBK'18 (IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge, November 2018, Singapore) |
¡¡ |
ICDM'17 (17th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2017, New Orleans, USA) |
¡¡ |
ICDM'16 (16th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, December 2016, Barcelona, Spain) |
¡¡ | ICDM'15 (15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2015, Atlantic City, USA) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Senior PC Member |
AAAI'25 (29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2025, Philadephia, USA) |
¡¡ | PAKDD'25 (29th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, June 2025, Sydney, Australia) |
¡¡ | AAAI'24 (28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2024, Vancouver, Canada) |
¡¡ | IJCAI'24 (33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2024, Jeju, South Korea) |
¡¡ | ACML'24 (16th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, November 2021, Virtual Conference) |
¡¡ | PAKDD'24 (28th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, May 2024, Taipei, China) |
¡¡ | KDD'23 (29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2023, Long Beach, USA) |
¡¡ | IJCAI'23 (32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2023, Cape Town, South Africa) |
¡¡ | AAAI'23 (27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2023, Washington DC, USA) |
¡¡ | KDD'22 (28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2022, Washington DC, USA) |
¡¡ | AAAI'22 (26th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2022, Vancouver, Canada) |
¡¡ | PAKDD'22 (26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, May 2022, Chengdu, China) |
¡¡ | APWeb-WAIM'22 (The Asia Pacific Web and Web-Age Information Management Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data, August 2022, Nanjing, China) |
¡¡ | KDD'21 (27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2021, Singapore) |
¡¡ | SDM'21 (21st SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, March 2021, Alexandria, VA) |
¡¡ | ACML'21 (13th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, November 2021, Virtual Conference) |
¡¡ | DSAA'21 (8th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Ocotober 2021, Porto, Portugal) |
¡¡ |
IJCAI-PRICAI'20 (29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2020, Yokohama, Japan) |
¡¡ | ICONIP'20 (27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, November 2020, Bangkok, Thailand) |
¡¡ | DSAA'20 (7th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Ocotober 2020, Sydney, Australia) |
¡¡ | IJCAI'19 (28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2019, Macau, China) |
¡¡ |
ACML'19 (11th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2019, Nagoya, Japan) |
¡¡ | AAAI'18 (22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2018, New Orleans, USA) |
¡¡ |
PAKDD'18 (22nd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, June 2018, Melbourne, Australia) |
¡¡ |
IJCAI'17 (26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2017, Melbourne, Australia) |
¡¡ |
AAAI'17 (21st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2017, San Francisco, USA) |
¡¡ |
ACML'16 (8th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2016, Hamilton, New Zealand) |
¡¡ |
PAKDD'16 (20th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, April 2016, Auckland, New Zealand) |
¡¡ |
IJCAI'15 (24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
¡¡ |
ACML'15 (7th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2015, Hong Kong, China) |
¡¡ |
PAKDD'15 (19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, May 2014, Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam) |
¡¡ |
ACML'14 (6th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2014, Nha Trang, Vietnam) |
¡¡ |
IJCAI'13 (23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2013, Beijing, China) |
¡¡ |
SDM'13 (2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, May 2013, Austin, USA) |
¡¡ |
ACML'13 (5th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2013, Canberra, Australia) |
¡¡ |
ACML'12 (4th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Nov. 2012, Singapore) |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
PC Member |
2025: CVPR'25 |
¡¡ | 2024: NeurIPS'24, CVPR'24, ECCV'24, UAI'24, PRICAI'24, DSAA'24, WI-IAT'24, ICCPR'24, CVIP'24 |
¡¡ | 2023: ICML'23, NeurIPS'23, CVPR'23, ICCV'23, ICDM'23, PRICAI'23, IEA/AIE'23, DSAA'23, BigData'23 |
¡¡ | 2022: ICML'22, ICLR'22, NeurIPS'22, AISTATS'22, EAAI'22, ICBK'22, PRICAI'22, DSAA'22, BigData'22 |
¡¡ | 2021: AAAI'21, ICML'21, NeurIPS'21, AISTATS'21, PRICAI'21, CICAI'21, BigData'21, BigComp'21 |
¡¡ | 2020: ICML'20, KDD'20, NeurIPS'20, AISTATS'20, IAAI'20, SDM'20, ICPR'20, IEEE TransAI'20, BigComp'20, ICNC'20-FSKD'20 |
¡¡ | 2019: ICML'19, KDD'19, NeurIPS'19, AISTATS'19, SDM'19, PRICAI'19 |
¡¡ | 2018: ICML'18, KDD'18, NIPS'18, SDM'18, AISTATS'18, ECML-PKDD'18, PAKDD'18, BigDataSE'18 |
¡¡ | 2017: ICML'17, KDD¡®17, NIPS'17, SDM'17, CIKM'17, AISTATS'17, ECML-PKDD'17, PAKDD'17, DSAA'17, ICMLC'17, ICBK'17, BigDataSE'17 |
¡¡ |
2016: IJCAI'16, AAAI'16, KDD'16, ICML'16, NIPS'16, CIKM'16, ECML-PKDD'16, AISTATS'16, ICPR'16, CIDM'16, DSAA'16, BigComp'16, BigDataSE'16, BESC'16, IoP'16 |
¡¡ |
2015: KDD'15, NIPS'15, ECML-PKDD'15, AISTATS'15, ICTAI'15, DSAA'15, ACIIDS'15, BigDataSE'15, HIBIBI'15, ICNC'15-FSKD'15 |
¡¡ |
2014: ICML'14, ECML-PKDD'14 (Journal Track GEB), AISTATS'14, PAKDD'14, ECAI'14, ICPR'14, ASONAM'14, ICNC'14-FSKD'14, DS'14, ICONIP'14, ICTAI'14, TAAI'14 |
¡¡ |
2013: AAAI'13, ECML-PKDD'13, MCS'13, ASONAM'13, CIDM'13, DS'13 |
¡¡ |
2012: AAAI'12, ECML-PKDD'12, ECDM'12, ASONAM'12, SMC'12, HIS'12, ICMLA'12 |
¡¡ |
2011: IJCAI'11, AAAI'11, KDD'11, ECML PKDD'11, ACML'11, IRI'11, SEKE'11, ICNC'11-FSKD'11, ICMLA'11, ICTAI'11, AI'11, ASONAM'11 |
¡¡ |
2010: ICML'10, KDD'10, ACML'10, PRICAI'10, AI'10, ICPR'10, ICTAI'10, IRI'10, ECDM'10, ACSE'10, ASONAM'10, ICNC'10-FSKD'10, ICMLA'10, AC'10, ICHIT'10 |
¡¡ |
2009: CIKM'09, ACML'09, AI'09, ICHIT'09, KDIR'09, KEOD'09, FCST'09, ICNC'09-FSKD'09, SEKE'09, ASONAM'09, IRI'09, IJCBS'09, AC'09 |
¡¡ |
2008: PRICAI'08, ISKE'08, AI'08, ICMLA'08, ECDM'08, AC'08, ICHIT'08, KDD-DMBA'08 Workshop |
¡¡ |
2007: ICMLA'07 |
¡¡ | ¡¡ |
Journal Reviewer |
Artificial Intelligence |
¡¡ | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research |
¡¡ |
Journal of Machine Learning Research |
¡¡ |
Machine Learning |
¡¡ |
Neural Computation |
¡¡ |
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
¡¡ | Transactions on Machine Learning Research |
¡¡ | ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing |
¡¡ | ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare |
¡¡ |
ACM Transactions on Database Systems |
¡¡ |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems |
¡¡ | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology |
¡¡ | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data |
¡¡ | ACM Transactions on Storage |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking |
¡¡ |
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
¡¡ | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics |
¡¡ |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
¡¡ |
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology |
¡¡ |
IEEE Intelligent Systems |
¡¡ |
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics |
¡¡ |
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica |
¡¡ |
Pattern Recognition |
¡¡ |
Neural Networks |
¡¡ |
AI Communications |
¡¡ |
European Journal of Operational Research |
¡¡ |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
¡¡ |
Computational Intelligence |
¡¡ |
Information Sciences |
¡¡ |
Information Fusion |
¡¡ |
Knowledge and Information Systems |
¡¡ |
Knowledge-Based Systems |
¡¡ |
BMC Bioinformatics |
¡¡ |
Signal Processing |
¡¡ |
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
¡¡ |
Journal of Computer Science and Technology |
¡¡ |
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence |
¡¡ |
Computational Visual Media |
¡¡ |
¡¡ |
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers |
¡¡ |
Molecular BioSystems |
¡¡ |
Journal of Information Science and Engineering |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
¡¡ |
Neural Processing Letters |
¡¡ |
Information Processing Letters |
¡¡ |
Electronics Letters |
¡¡ |
Neurocomputing |
¡¡ |
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
¡¡ |
Applied Intelligence |
¡¡ |
Data and Knowledge Engineering |
¡¡ |
Intelligent Data Analysis |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics |
¡¡ |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
¡¡ |
International Journal of Software and Informatics |
¡¡ |
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing |
¡¡ |
Journal of Healthcare Engineering |
¡¡ |
Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing |
¡¡ |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing |
¡¡ |
International Journal of General Systems |
¡¡ |
Chinese Science Bulletin (¿Æѧͨ±¨) |
¡¡ |
Science in China Series F: Information Sciences (Öйú¿ÆѧF¼: ÐÅÏ¢¿Æѧ) |
¡¡ | Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences (Öйú¿ÆѧE¼: ¼¼Êõ¿Æѧ) |
¡¡ | Chinese Journal of Electronics (µç×Óѧ±¨[Ó¢ÎÄ]) |
¡¡ |
Various Domestic Journalss |