Yi-Nan Feng @ PALM, SEU


Yi-Nan Feng
M.Sc. Student
PAttern Learning and Mining(PALM) Lab
School of computer science and engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing

Supervisor: Professor Hui Xue
Email: yinanf@seu.edu.cn



2020.09 ~ Now

M.Sc, Department of School of Computer Science and Engineering , Southeast University, China

2016.09 ~ 2020.06

B.Sc, Department of School of Computer Science and Technology , Wuhan University of Technology, China

Research Interests

  • Machine learning;

  • Pattern recognition;

  • Kernel methods;


  • Zheng-Fan Wu*, Yi-Nan Feng*, Hui Xue. Automatically Gating Multi-Frequency Patterns through Rectified Continuous Bernoulli Units with Theoretical Principles. In: Proceedings of 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'22), 3594-3600, Vienna, Austria, 2022. (* indicates equal contribution) [PDF | Details]

Awards & Honors

  • The Meritorious Winner, American Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM);

  • The Provincial First Prize, China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM);

  • The Provincial First Prize, China Undergraduate Computer Design Contest;

  • The National Third Prize, National English Competition for College Students (NECCS);

  • Outstanding Graduate of Wuhan University of Technology;

Teaching Assistant

  • Pattern Recognition (For undergraduate students, spring, 2021)





407, Building of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University.