Zihan Chen @ PALM, SEU


Zihan Chen(陈子涵)

M.Sc. Student
PAttern Learning and Mining(PALM) Lab
School of computer science and engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing

Supervisor: Professor Yu Zhang
Email: zh_chen@seu.edu.cn



2020.09 ~ Now

M.Sc, Department of School of Computer Science and Engineering , Southeast University, China

2015.06 ~ 2019.09

B.Sc, Department of School of Computer Science and Engineering , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Research Interests

  • Pattern recognition;

  • Machine learning;

  • Computer vision;

  • Weakly Supervised Action Recognition;

Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding student award, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;

  • The Second Prize, National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces;

  • Graduate student studies scholarship, Southeast University


